Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You the Customer

As a customer, when you hire a photographer, what do you expect?
Most photographers these days charge a sitting fee for a session, then that's it!
No proofs (they're now an online gallery)
No extras (you order your prints from the online gallery, and most at BRUTAL rates)
Don't get me wrong I understand you can't undercharge, especially if you're trying to make a living and a lot of hours go into the processing of each photo shoot (trust me I know!)
I have a problem with the lack of photos, I think, as a customer, a fee should include not only "time & talent" as some put it but something REAL as part of the package, not just all this virtual stuff. Which is why in 2009, though I will be increasing prices, PROOFS actual physical 4x6 prints will still be included with your package...with a new twist....will share more details on that later. But I'm super excited about it, it's more of my own personal touch in this very high tech world.
If you agree or disagree, I welcome all feedback. Let me know what you think!
Also I apologize for the lack of photos these days but happy news the holiday photo shoots are beginning THIS week, so LOTS of new photos on the way :)
Til next time, C.

1 Happy Thoughts:

Angie said...

I know, it's a real disappointment when you don't get any actual pictures with your package. You've really made me curious as to what your 'new twist' is though. Looking forward to finding out about it.

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