Monday, March 30, 2009

A Time for Change

I apologize for my lack of posting lately....I read once that you should NEVER apologize for not posting on a blog as it's improper blog etiquette, well too bad, I'm breaking the rules and apologizing.
I do have a legit excuse though....
I'm pregnant!
Yes very exciting news I know :)
But with that in mind things here at Cyball Photography will be under-going some transition.
First, I will not be going pro.
Since I cannot start a business and become a Mom in the same year, I've decided my photography will just stay as a serious hobby for now. I'm still taking bookings as previously mentioned until the middle of August (unless something happens to cause that to change).
Second, bookings.
My schedule is starting to fill up which is GREAT!
After a very quiet winter and no bookings at all I was beginning to get very discouraged. But it seems with the warmer weather coming so are my customers.
Book now!

Third, pricing.
It's somewhat changing....I'm trying to keep everything as simple and as time efficient as possible.
Rates stay the same but the package itself will include more.
Bigger bang for the buck in these tough economic times!
Send me an email if you're interested.
Thanks again for you understanding and loyalty during this time of transition for my husband & I.
We're very happy & looking forward to the new adventures ahead :)
Til next time,

1 Happy Thoughts:

Tasha said...

Congrats on the new addition!!

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